Bornstedt Crown Estate
Close to the cementary in Bornstedt is the Crown Estate, where I went next. ...
Close to the cementary in Bornstedt is the Crown Estate, where I went next. ...
After Lindstedt and the Belvedere I went to the cemetery and church in Bornstedt....
After visiting Lindstedt I walked on towards the “Belvedere auf dem Klausberg”....
We had one of the few snowy days this January and I used this opportunity to have a walk around the Palace and Park of Lindstedt. Here are some inform...
It was a wonderful sunny winter Sunday in Potsdam and I just had to go out and enjoy the morning at Sanssouci Park. The high fog from the evening/nigh...
I liked painting landscapes back in school, it was quite relaxing and always fun to work with the colours. Even though I find it harder to paint than ...
so something very different this time… 1st time I did something like that some of my friends were talking so much about F1 and everything around...
I prefer to see things a bit differently… I like to look up at the blue sky and whenever there are clouds I imagine them to be flying whalesR...
The cuckoo and its marsh warbler mother… I was always fascinated by this picture. My father has a book about oscine birds to identify all the sp...