Schlössernacht Potsdam 2018 Lichtinstellationen
Die Schlössernacht im Park Sanssouci in Potsdam bot dieses Jahr neben Musik, Theater auch einige Lichtinstellationen. Besonders schön war der Lichte...
Die Schlössernacht im Park Sanssouci in Potsdam bot dieses Jahr neben Musik, Theater auch einige Lichtinstellationen. Besonders schön war der Lichte...
Aufgrund der langanhaltenden Trockenheit wurde das Feuerwerk als Abschluss der Schlössernacht dieses Jahr abgesagt und es gab eine Lasershow stattdes...
It’s the time of the year where the magnolia tree is blooming beautifully again. I couldn’t resist taking pictures of the tree this year t...
In the 5th or 6th grade we had the following task in art class. We had to colour squares in accordance with the colours of the different seasons. So, ...
The first snow this year didn’t last long, but hopefully more will come. On the 6th of January I walked through Park Sanssouci around the New Pa...
A friend and I decided on a photo project for 2015. The goal is to take a picture of one motive each month; one photo from the same perspective and an...
Park Sanssouci in Autumn is always worth a visit. Autumn is the time when nature paints everything in vivid earthy colours and throughout the area of ...
Before the ‘Schlössernacht‘ (Night of Palaces) started I took part in a tour through the ‘Winzerberg’ (vineyard). To enter th...
I went to the “Schlössernacht” (Night of Palaces) in Sanssouci Park with a friend last weekend. The park is during that weekend illuminat...
One morning in Sanssouci Park. I wanted to catch the beautiful morning sun on the Church of Peace and Sanssouci Palace. I got the photos I wanted 🙂...